Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Frosty Winter Day

My morning tea came with a great quote.

 I decided to make some tea to replenish my kombucha ferment. 
She has been neglected since... before we moved here,
 so a really really long time for a kombucha mother to be neglected. 

I made a huge batch but this is the recipe ratio that I work from.

I had to find the organic black and green tea that I use for my kombucha, it was still packed away in the extension like a lot of my kitchen stuff that just does not fit into the kitchen. 

Found a ton of my tea that I decided I should pull out for the winter. 

Then I realized that I had mashed potatoes in the stock pot that I use to make the tea. So I googled some leftover mashed potato ideas and came up with a mashed potato crusted egg bake. 

It turned out yum, it looks burnt but it was not, just a good crisp hashbrown crust.

Glenn hung up all my cast iron skillets! 

Went for a peaceful walk with Mojo and enjoyed the frosted views.

Mojo was snoozin pretty hard after our walk.

We had another sweet girl start to lay. She is our Americana who could have either layed a pink, blue, green, or brown egg. We were hoping for anything but the brown egg of course. 

She did really well! At first I thought it was green, but now I think it looks more blue. 

The pictures really don't bring out much of the color. This is her's and one of our Cinnamon Queen's

Hope your cold winter has been as beautiful as ours. 

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